The Parental Shopping Arena!
Welcome to my first blog! I am a little nervous, so bear with me please, while I get the hang of this. My name is Charlene. I am a stay-at-home parent of three children. Their ages are 3,4 and 16. I love to test out new products, try out new stores and restaurants, and have a wide range of genres I read. I love to coupon, stack my discounts, and make the best use of the time I have, with my children in tow, staying under budget.
You are probably asking yourself, why read this blog? Sounds a lot like the same thing I do, so what makes this person any different? Because I am willing to be the guinea pig. I will test out products that are sent to me by those obscure companies that say “Yes, we are free”, “Try our products”, post about my experiences at stores, rate the restaurants I bring my family to, and the varied mobile applications that are supposed to make your life easier, save you money, and not consume your time.
I worked for a marketing research company for several years. I have experience talking with different companies, testing the quality of various services, apps, products and getting opinions from the public.
If there is anything I haven’t listed, that you are interested in finding out information about, but don’t want to worry about wasting your time, money and energy (because lets face it, kids are exhausting..especially little ones) just let me know and I will see about checking it out for you.
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