Shadow Shopper...not the best opportunity!
I worked for this company many years ago. It used to be, you could become a gold member by the amount of high detailed and successful shops you did. You had to be active for atleast three months, or your account went dormant. You could pay to be come a gold member to get the hire paying jobs more quickly..but I didn't see the point in paying for the better paying assignments when I could obtain a gold membership from just doing the work.
I decided to look back into it and I found the usual introductory forms to fill out. There are also certificates you can gain to be able to open up more jobs. But, there was something new. If you applied for ten jobs in the first day, you could get 7 day gold membership..BUT you had to find jobs in your area that were over 7 days old and that didn't already have people scheduled. I found 8. I could pay
but as I began looking more into it, most of the jobs I was asked to join other mystery shopping companies. Also, whenever I applied for a job, I had to do a stupid survey asking if I wanted to join or partake in a free promotion or sign up with a company and get a bunch of junk mail in my inbox. Which I have plenty of, thank you very much.
My personal recommendation is, yes...sign up..if only to find out about other companies that don't make you wait 7 days, but fill your inbox (if you choose to get daily or individual mail) with jobs just starting but you can't sign up for until 7 days or pay money. I will be posting more about these other companies as I research them out.
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