Nielsen has a lot of different venues for making money.
Nielsen has been around for a fairly long time. I used to do a lot with their company when I worked in Marketing Research. Its hard to find what links to click for Nielsen, unless you really search...that has its pros and its cons. Cons-You may find Nielsen under different names such as Harris Polls, NCP (National Consumer Panel) and Pinecone Research. unless you word your search just right. I have heard some rumors about Nielson Homescan panel for scanning products doesn't pay well, for the work you have to put in, I will edit this as soon as I find out for myself...which will be soon. Also, they aren't always open for sign if you can't sign up now..try...try again. Pros- Once you sign up, you don't have to do surveys, if you get an envelope from any of the companies above, chances are there is cash in there just from looking in the envelope. If you send a survey back, or choose to participate in the study offered..bam more cash..and most of them are...